Farscape?  Ugh, fake as looking muppet style critters are BS.  Never 
could get into it.

I'd say Battle Star Galactica (the new one) and Firefly are both better 
than DS:9, but it's close.

Earth 2 was good, Space: Above and Beyond was great.

Jim Davis wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 9:00 AM
>> To: CF-Community
>> Subject: RE: How's this look? (Might help if you're a fan of "Deep
>> Space Nine")
>> Someone ELSE likes DS9?  Holy crap there's TWO of us now!
> Second best sci-fi show ever!  I think "Farscape" edges it out, but it was
> cut cruelly short so they're VERY close.
> But really, well-written, character-driven stories (as opposed to the purely
> event-driven stories of most others)?  Compelling interpersonal
> relationships that grew over time (as opposed to the Rodenberry-forced
> "everybody's happy at the end" storylines of the original)?  A huge cast of
> interesting tertiary characters (as opposed to generic cardboard cutouts
> that formed the primary cast of most shows)?  Complex, realistic political,
> personal, social and economic interactions that evolved over time (as
> opposed to the one-off "alien problem" drivers that plague the others)?
> DS9 was a watershed show.  It showed a depth that few shows, much less
> sci-fi shows ever reach.  The fact that at its height there were upwards of
> 30 characters that you knew, and knew well, was always impressive as hell to
> me.
> But, um... what'd you think of the design?  ;^)
> Jim Davis

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