Yep, I've been watching it.

Too bad Cheney, Rumsfeld, Fief, Wolfowitz and others are immune from any
prosecution for their incompetence that is costing so many good lives.

Or that they had consciences or souls that could be bothered by their

Fortunately, history will make their failings perfectly clear.

Interestingly, it actually gives me hope that we _can_ win in Iraq, if we
stop making all of the very worst decisions possible at every step.

With the decisions we made, we are exactly where we should be in this
conflict. New decisions could help us turn the corner.

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How embarrassing and shameful it is to watch the utter gutting of the
> American reputation.  This show has interviews with all of Bush's Iraq
> team:
> * L. Paul Bremer
> * Jay Garner
> * Dick Armitage
> * Chalabi
> There are no words for the level of incompetence.  The show is shocking:
> * Tommy Franks and the entire senior leadership of the US military
> walking away from the commander-in-chief
> * David Kay, the chief weapons inspector, given an office in the
> basement of the CIA without a working phone
> * The Chief of Staff of the State Dept brought to tears at the level
> of denial and shamed because he didn't have the guts to turn in his
> resignation letter he'd written
> You can watch it online:

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