Enom gives you 30 days before going into extended and then it is $160
to grab it.


On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Erika L. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/whois.ch?ip=morrisinsmobile.com&cache=off&emai
>  l=on
>  Registration Service Provided By: Thompson Engineering, Inc.
>  Visit: http://www.thompsonengineering.com
>  Enom's site states the domain is expired. If this is correct, and unlike
>  Godaddy who actually has a grace period of approx. 2 weeks in order to renew
>  the expired domain without penalty, they may have it in a state of
>  redemption. That status may take several days to actually propagate into the
>  domain name registration system, before another person can register it as
>  their own.
>  There's some grey area there in the middle where some people snap up expired
>  domains... but if they claim it's in redemption, they may have to pay
>  upwards of $80 plus the domain registration fee to get it back. *IF* someone
>  else doesn't register before you can ...
>  I'd call Enom back and go up the ladder. Tell them the reseller has no clue.
>  Enom *does* have the power to at least tell you where the domain name is...
>  >>: -----Original Message-----
>  >>: From: Matthew Smith
>  >>:
>  >>: I am troubleshooting a problem with a businesses email.  It looks like
> the domain
>  >>: name has the wrong nameservers entered.  Enom is the registrar, but says
>  that the
>  >>: domain name is through a reseller, so I need to contact them.  The
>  reseller listed by
>  >>: enom says they know nothing about the domain in question.  I need to
>  update the
>  >>: name servers, but don't know how to get it done.  What can I do?
>  >>:
>  >>: It looks like the domain expired on the 14th of this month, and was
>  updated on the
>  >>: 15th(yesterday).  I don't know who updated the information.  Is there
>  any way to
>  >>: find this out?
>  >>:
>  >>: If it helps, the domain is morrisinsmobile.com.
>  >>:
>  >>: Thanks for any help.

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