At this moment after reading this thread i'd have to snap its neck and legs
 and force it in. :)
I can appreciate logic puzzles even though i personally don't think they are
the best tool for judging how good of a programmer someone is.

I think outside the box enough at work. But on a community list with my
friends i prefer to ask a simple question and get  a simple answer. I really
was looking to you andrew as the authority on BD. I was looking for you to
give me some insight on something i could perhaps look into for our 30+
server cluster that we need to upgrade. I asked a question that was straight
to the point. I was not belittleing you or BD. I gave you respect.

I honestly hope you're just having a bad day. I also apologize for using
foul language to you but i lost my composure for a brief moment.

On 4/23/08, CyberAngel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And if they have brains, we will hire them....
> Until then, Bill asked a stupid question. I tried to get him to think
> outside the aquare, but I guess he didn't and thought about how he works
> only. That showed me that the best logical thinking interview in this
> world
> he would fail?
> So Bill if you are still there answer this for me.
> How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, 24 April 2008 12:30 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: The BlueDragon Story
> I really, really hope this was directed to Bill and not Loathe.
> Otherwise, I picture someone leaving on a plane this morning for Australia
> and waiting impatiently in the Aegeon parking lot.
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 10:12 AM, CyberAngel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Want to take it out to the parking lot....... You will not win....
> >

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