Now people, let's just all thank almighty God for our federal government.
If they didn't dedicate the serious manpower necessary to thwart truly
effective grass-roots campaigns like this in the name of compliance with
federally-authored arcane traffic signage codes (which apparently are not
working, hence the campaign), then we'd all be in deep, deep trouble, my

I for one am very proud to be an American who works hard every day to pay
the taxes that fund federal actions like this.  That's what I call "Serving
the people."

I want to start my own grass roots campaign to come up with a really nifty
slogan that praises the federal government.  Here's one:

"The federal government: crispity-crunchity on the outside, warm and gooey
on the inside."


Adam Phillip Churvis 
Productivity Enhancement

> -----Original Message-----
> From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 8:16 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Interesting way to make people stop
> .... and think
> Chicago Suburb Ends Humorous Stop-Sign Campaign
> OAK LAWN, Ill. -  Drivers passing through a suburb of Chicago will
> still have to stop, but they'll no longer need to do so "in the name
> of love."
> Oak Lawn, Ill., has removed comical remarks in octagonal shapes it
> placed under stop signs in an effort to get motorists to obey the law.
> Mayor Dave Heilmann said the Illinois Department of Transportation
> determined the signs violated the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic
> Control Devices. He said had Oak Lawn not removed the signs, the city
> could have lost federally funded projects.
> Pictures of the signs:

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