A true believer would jump into a cess pit and claim that it was filled with 
rose water. Don't expect much from them.

>That pretty much seals the deal. This is EXACTLY what I perceived Bush, and
>the Bush Administration, as being. He's an awful president, but not
>necessarily an awful person. He's bright, but he makes the wrong decisions
>because he's got the wrong motivations. He didn't outright lie about Iraq,
>but he never even tried for the truth.
>I wonder if there are people who can look at the events of the last 8 years,
>read what Mclellan has written here, and think that George W. Bush was a
>good president?
>Are there? Sam? Anyone?
>On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> http://antiwrap.com/x483d4f2c38ae6
>> Ex-Press Aide Writes That Bush Misled U.S. on Iraq
>> By Michael D. Shear
>> Washington Post Staff Writer
>> Wednesday, May 28, 2008; A01
>So shines a good deed
>In a weary world 

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