We don't have thousands of SF teams.  You can't mass produce special 
operations forces, it takes time.

Also who was the source on this?  Northern Iraq is mainly Kurd, and has 
been the safest place in Iraq since the invasion.  I know guys there 
that don't wear body armor and only carry sidearms.

Gruss Gott wrote:
>> Larry wrote:
>> Just as an aside and a cautionary about this site, www.strategypage.com
> Kinda funny because I just heard on NPR this morning that northern
> Iraq "is an Al Qaeda stronghold" that "is growing".
> I guess I don't know what the real story is or isn't, but it still
> seems to me that AQ is in Iraq because we are and I don't buy the
> argument that you need regular military boots on the ground to
> effectively fight AQ.
> I'm certainly no expert, but my gut feeling is that we'd be even more
> effective if we didn't present an easy target for them being that they
> are essentially unlimited.
> That is, beef up and deploy thousands of special forces teams
> throughout the area with a consolidated command, control, operations,
> and intelligence leadership.
> Do things like build a regular military base for, say, 2 months - run
> special operations out of it and then suddenly dismantle.
> In short, be as unpredictable and as vaporous as the enemy.

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