Go Capitalism!

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The country that is already trailing the rest of the developed world in
> Internet Usage has now taken even more steps backward.
> http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jun2008/tc2008063_767960.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index_news+%2B+analysis
> Time Warner is putting in place a Net Metering system, where their most
> expensive package is capped at 40GB per month for about 50US$.
> While other countries are offering 30MB/s download speeds unlimited, and
> have far higher broadband penetration, these US Providers seem intent on
> stifling the growing Multimedia usage of the Internet.
> You have one set of companies on the one hand seeking to leverage the
> Internet for High Definition TV viewing (HULU etc.) and doing your work
> online (Google Apps, Online File Storage etc. ) and then
> you have the providers seeking to cut back on customer capabilities. This
> will have a net negative effect on all these new and innovative services!
> The holy grail of television - IPTV....might never happen.
> If there are no customers , then these innovative business ideas such as
> YouTube, Second Life, Google Apps, Hulu, Direct Software Downloads etc.
> aren't going to go anywhere, and most would never have started.
> A Game bought Legitimately from EA Online Store, or Direct2Drive.com is
> about 12GB now, that's almost HALF of your monthly allotment for bandwidth
> at Time Warner's maximum.
> Couple this with an almost psychotic focus on the so called losses caused
> by
> Piracy related to BitTorrent and the billions that these companies seem
> prepared to spend on packet inspection systems to stop the protocol, and it
> makes it seem that the only thing that runs the US is Corporations and
> Capitalist interest - "What do we have to do to make the most profit.
> Period." The RIAA and MPAA lobbies are hard at work pushing their false
> information to the public that they lose oh so much money from online movie
> downloads and music downloads although Movie purchases actually INCREASED
> last year!
> Purchasing and developing systems to stop SPAM which accounts for more than
> 90% of email traffic, Virus propagation through the net in attachments etc.
> would help far more people than spending billions to stop BitTorrent. But
> there is little to no interest by these same providers in such
> technology.Why?
> The plan is utterly ridiculous, and these companies are simply trying to
> insulate themselves and milk the public instead of improving their networks
> to meet customer demand and changing usage of the Internet, while making
> gross profits.
> This is also spreading to ...guess where? The UK !
> GAH!
> The article doesn't note if tier pricing to offshore providers is going to
> change as well as a result of this, but I sincerely hope there is no
> trickle
> down effect.

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