Oil Woes Fail to Stir Leadership
June 24, 2008

Why is Rep. Randy Forbes all alone out there?

Rep. Forbes is an earnest Republican congressman from Virginia who has
distinguished himself by calling for a "Manhattan Project" to fully
end the U.S.'s dependence on foreign energy within 20 years.

The surprise here lies not in Rep. Forbes's proposal, though it is an
interesting call for mandated higher auto fuel efficiency and expanded
use of biofuels and nuclear and solar power, overseen by a new
national science commission and fueled by big cash prizes dangled
before scientists to conjure up solutions.

The surprising thing is that there aren't 100 Randy Forbes out there,
issuing similar calls to arms to seize this moment and finally cure
the country's oil addiction. As it happens, Rep. Forbes says he went
roaming the Capitol looking for partners -- and found no takers.

"We scoured the halls of Congress because we wanted to join up with
somebody else who's thought about these issues and who's come up with
some ideas, and we kept coming up empty," he says.

What he proposes, in short, is that government lead by providing
inspiration and incentive. A bill he has introduced lists seven areas
where America needs to do more -- gas mileage, energy efficiency,
solar power, biofuels, clean coal, nuclear-waste storage and nuclear
fusion -- and proposes that government form a national science
commission and offer cash incentives to prod academics and private
scientists to solve the problems blocking progress in each area. It
may not be the perfect answer, but its author hopes it's at least an
inspirational start.

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