I was watching Charlie Rose during lunch today, and at the end of the hour he put on about five minutes of his 1996 interview with Carlin.
Carlin was amazingly deep and serious, and put everything from philosophy to poetry to comedy to politics into context of each other. For whatever we appreciated in the man, we surely didn't appreciate nearly enough. I didn't know he had this kind of depth in him. I found what looks like the complete original episode here: http://www.charlierose.com/shows/1996/03/26/3/a-conversation-with-comedian-g eorge-carlin Watching it now. Respectfully, Adam Phillip Churvis President Productivity Enhancement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;203748912;27390454;j Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/message.cfm/messageid:262675 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=11502.10531.5