On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Oh - and about when I said P2P was "easier" - that's relative as well.  The
> new UseNet Explorer is FREAKIN' AMAZING.
> Just grab the whole mess of a binary post and it downloads the parts and
> decodes them.  If it finds an error it automatically downloads the PARs,
> repairs it and then decodes it.  If it works, it ignores the PARs.
> Saves me a ton of time and bandwidth and, with the built in search, makes
> using USENet about as simple as P2P.

Yeah - I still have Agent as my client.  Old, but still a powerhouse for me.
Once I figure out how to build effective filter that got rid of the junk and
chatter it was open season.  I really haven't used any USENet stuff for
awhile though.

On the things in your more lengthy reply - I guess I am basing most of my
experiences on the few companies I have better knowledge of, and it's
somewhat dated knowledge.  The ISP I worked for had it's own news machine,
and that sat right next to the dialup racks.  Yes, that was before cable or
DSL - and the dialups were actual modems (33.6k) on bookcases, not the
concentrators that eventually replaced them when 56k came along.  Obviously
that was a long time ago, and binaries were a fraction of what they are now.

We also ran an IRC server (DalNet?), but that's a different story - and talk
about bandwidth - IRC servers burn some serious bandwidth.  The owner of the
ISP was *WAY* more worried about IRC bandwidth clogging up our pipes than

I also knew a bit about how MindSpring's news farm was organized from
lurking in their tech groups.  They really were one of the first ISPs to
have a solid, high quality, high retention news farm that could scale.  I
would not be suprised at all to find out their model influences Giga and
SuperNews.  That farm's history by now though.

Lastly, and the most recent is Speakeasy, who either runs their own farm
(which I think they do) or leases very fast farm bandwidth from one of the
big guys.  They had VERY long retention on binaries and very complete
messages.  I haven't used them for about a year now because I couldn't get
them as my provider in Atlanta, but that was some good sh*t.

Even though I currently have AT&T as a DSL provider, I've never really used
their USENet servers and probably never will from any of the big utility
companies because I never even consider it an option.  They run the rest of
their internet business so poorly that I never would expect anything really
at all from them when it comes to news farms.  Not even worth my time.


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