Heh, we just lost two more last week too.  But not for anything nearly
as cool as The Family.... just plain old mismanagement and fear-based
responses, etc..

Maybe find another Family (not the hippie one, they're /crazy/) and do
that whole chess deal.  Something Asian, perhaps?  Russians are doing
pretty good... hmmm decisions decisions.

Seriously, here's some cool vibes for youses!

/me beams mellow denstar vibes

Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them
are stupider than that.
    George Carlin

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:14 PM, morchella
> hey guys...
> i know i need to make up a doc and record some info...
> but quick question...
> what would you do if you where repeatedly threatened by some one  who
> may or may not know a criminal organization to take care of any thing
> he/she wants...
> that if say this application didn't preform you and your new employee
> you where managing would be fired.
> no, taken care of by before mentioned org..
> now i know this is coming from some one who may just be trying to be cool.
> but i am sending out resumes at this point
> 2 fellow emps including my direct manager have left in the last 2 weeks.
> and i am just befuzzeld..
> i know of similar types of people/family.
> but i am not going to threaten you with them..
> i will just follow you to your car with a baseball bat and scratch
> your back a little..
> seriously though.
> my new guy rocks on the CF side. our co could be so freaking cool if
> people respected each other.
> i just want to protect him & myself, in case, what said dick weed says is 
> true.
> i wil make up a gDoc on every threat from here on in.
> i will ask HR in a ominous way to give me written docs on how a
> manager should handle situation.
> i dont want to get any one fired.
> i know it may just be saber ratteling.
> but you do here from time to time, people loosing it.
> i don't want to be that person on either end..
> ps.. open for remote
> -m

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