OK I got into a discussion at my new job about setting variables by the cfset 
tag or via a variable assignment using cfscript. The consensus has been that 
when setting large blocks of variables using cfscript is faster than cfset. The 
reason that tags are slower is that when the template JITs, it adds extra 
libraries into the class. So when you use cfscript, your code needs fewer cftag 
libraries mentioned as Java import namespaces because your code is closer to 
the native Java and requires less overhead. Also, the tag named import also 
contains functionality you may not be using. Therefore, you have thinner JITs 
and faster code.Or so I thought. Here's some code I wrote to test this:

<cfset variables.iterations = 1000000/>
   start1 = getTickCount();
   for(i=0;i lte #variables.iterations#;i=i+1) {
   end1 = getTickCount();

<cfset start2 = getTickCount() />
<cfset result2 = 0 />
<cfloop from="1" to="#variables.iterations#" index="j">
   <cfset result2=result2+j />
<cfset end2 = getTickCount() />

        <p><cfoutput>#result#</cfoutput><br /><br />
        <cfoutput>Execution Time: #end1 - start1#ms</cfoutput></p>

        <p><cfoutput>#result2#</cfoutput><br /><br />
        <cfoutput>Execution Time: #end2 - start2#ms</cfoutput></p>

The results:

total: 500000500000
Execution Time: 1472ms

total: 500000500000
Execution Time: 947ms

So am I missing something here? This was on an XP box (dell opteron dual core 
with 2 gigs of ram) with service pack 2, running the dev edition of CFMX 7.02 
with cumulative hotfix 3 installed. I got similar results using Open BlueDragon 
on the Mac. Generally these results go against what's commonly thought. However 
given that there was only about a half second difference over a million 
iterations, is it really an important difference?


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