> > Who says it doesn't function well?
> Interesting that you're referencing this opinion piece as straight 
> news. Especially given that the writer was director of the White House 
> Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives from 2002 to 2006. So 
> he has an interest in putting this program in the best light possible. 
> How about some neutral data that supports this failed program.

Moreover it would seem that the only ones who have been really benefiting from 
the Office of FAith Based Initiatives have been cronies of the administration,


ABC News Exclusive: Bush White House pushed grant
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 | 3:32 PM

June 24, 2008 -- A former top official in the White House's faith-based office 
was awarded a lucrative Department of Justice grant under pressure from two 
senior Bush administration appointees, according to current and former DOJ 
staff members and a review of internal DOJ documents and emails.

The $1.2 million grant was jointly awarded to a consulting firm run by Lisa 
Trevino Cummins who previously headed Hispanic outreach efforts for the White 
House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, and a California 
evangelical group, Victory Outreach.

The grant was awarded over the strong objections of career DOJ staff who did 
not believe that Victory Outreach was qualified for the grant and that too 
great an amount of the funds was going to Cummins' consulting company instead 
of being spent on services for children.

Cummins' company, Urban Strategies LLC, was slated to get one third of the 
money for helping the self-described "evangelizing" Victory Outreach use the 
rest of the funds.
Story continues below

On its website, Victory Outreach describes itself as a "church-oriented 
Christian ministry called to the task of evangelizing and disciplining the 
hurting people of the world, with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ."

The grant is now central to a Justice Department probe into alleged irregular 
contracting practices within its own ranks, according to a federal law 
enforcement official close to the investigation.

The money was awarded by J. Robert Flores, the Administrator of the DOJ's 
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) who is under 
investigation by the DOJ's Inspector General after current and former employees 
said he awarded grants to programs with the right political and ideological 
connections. OJJDP grants are intended to address juvenile delinquency 
prevention and/or the juvenile justice system.

Cummins' application for the grant should have immediately "raised red flags," 
according to a senior Justice Department official. The official said that most 
of the grant money should be going to services, but that "in this case, you 
have a third of the money up front going to a consulting company," the official 

Furthermore, Cummins' said in the application that she planned to have one of 
her senior employees oversee Victory Outreach's use of the federal funds, even 
though that employee, Kelly Cowles, had mismanaged funds according to Ohio 
state investigators.

The proposal said that Cowles was qualified because as president of her own 
consulting company she had designed and implemented "a two-year statewide $22 
million" faith-based initiative for the Ohio Governor's Office.

Ohio's governor terminated that contract for mismanagement in March 2007.

An investigation by the Ohio Inspector General in September 2007 questioned 
more than $125,000 in payments to Cowles' firm, concluding that "there was no 
documentation of what work was performed, services provided, or actual days 
worked." Cowles' company filed for bankruptcy protection in June of that year. 
Cowles declined to comment to ABC News for this story.

Flores awarded the $1.2 million OJJDP grant around that same time despite the 
findings of the Ohio State Inspector General and the objections of career 
Justice Department grant reviewers.

The reviewers concluded that Cummins' proposal was poorly crafted and labeled 
it as "not recommended" for funding. They questioned whether the Victory 
Outreach had either "the capacity" or "sufficient knowledge" to "undertake a 
project of this magnitude," according to a DOJ memo.

In the end, Victory Outreach rejected the grant because the group did not 
believe it was qualified to carry it out.

"Our board decided it was way too big a grant to handle," said Pastor Tony 
Garcia, Vice President of Special Services for Victory Outreach.

Garcia said that Victory Outreach became involved with Urban Strategies after 
other faith-based and evangelical organizations said that the consulting firm 
had been successful in obtaining federal grants that they would not otherwise 
have won. "They were highly effective in their work for other ministries," he 

The Victory Outreach grant is one of several awarded by Flores that have come 
under scrutiny.

Six current and former DOJ officials told ABC News that Flores often set aside 
their recommendations and federal rules and regulations to award such grants to 
further Bush administration policies such as supporting faith-based 
organizations and sexual abstinence, and to reward political allies of the 

In the case of the Victory Outreach grant, Steven McFarland, the director of 
the Justice Department's Task Force for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, 
was involved with Cummins' firm being considered for federal grants, internal 
DOJ emails show.

On March 16, 2007, McFarland emailed Flores' Chief of Staff, Michele DeKonty, 
to encourage her to meet with Cummins, saying that he had just had a meeting 
with Cummins that morning. In the email he "recommended that [DeKonty] contact 
[Cummins] regarding Victory Outreach, a faith-based ministry with 40 years of 
work among gang members." McFarland also pointed out that Cummins was formerly 
with the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, adding "I 
know you will find her a great asset to [your] work."

An OJJDP official said that McFarland often encouraged the department to fund 
faith-based programs. "McFarland has his fingers in a lot of what gets funded. 
The program officers see him as the voice of the White House as communicated 
from Main Justice," the DOJ employee told ABC News.

Erik Albin, a DOJ spokesman said on behalf of McFarland that while the 
faith-based initiative task force makes recommendations, others at DOJ make the 
final decision as to who are awarded grants. "The Task Force does not make the 
decisions about which groups are funded," he said.

Cummins told ABC News she did not recall meeting McFarland at all during the 
time she was attempting to obtain the OJJDP grant, and was unaware that 
McFarland had played any role in assisting her to obtain it.

At a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform probing Flores' grant 
awarding policies, Flores asserted that he had broad discretion to overrule his 
career staff's recommendations as to which grants should be funded: "While some 
may disagree with my decisions they were made in accordance with the law, 
within department rules, and in good faith to address the needs of our 
(Copyright ©2008 ABC News Internet Ventures.)

> > 
> > http://www.washingtonpost.
> > com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/27/AR2008062702631.html
> > 
> > Although this continues to be debated in Washington, there's little 
> > debate in the heartland: The Bush faith-based initiative works. 
> > Thirty-five governors -- 19 Democrats and 16 Republicans -- and more 
> > than 70 mayors have similar programs.
> > 
> > >If Obama (or McCain for that matter) can address those issues (and 
> > I'm not
> > >at all sure that they can) then great - carry on with my blessing.  
> > Bush has
> > >at best ignored the problems and at worst actively defended them.  
> If 
> > the
> > >program can't be made to function well legally and financially, 
> then 
> > it
> > >deserves to go - I would think that any conservatively minded 
> person 
> > would
> > >agree with that.
> > >
> > >Jim Davis 

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