first off, I wasnt starting a os war.. just stating how I fixed my dell issue.

I hear ya too and not saying you need to go switch.. just saying that was my 
solution. I realized that no matter what I did that hunk-o-junk just wasn't 
going to work. Forking out the $$ hurts at first for a mac but I just told 
myself that it's what makes me a living so why should I be cheap about it. My 
down time fixing windows crap all the damn time was costing me money & dell 
certainly wasn't going to fix it and god forbid m$ fix anything.

>Don't most computer parts come from like, the same places?
So you are saying that a $300 dell uses the same parts as an xps? If thats the 
case then why the $1700 price difference?

>You know, I love OS X and all... but Mint is more kick-ass for what I do.
During this whole dell situation I was trying out linux because I didn't want 
to go to a mac (although I hadn't seen a mac since os x had come out). Linux is 
ok.. much better than windows but it just wasn't for me, too much shit just 
don't work on it. If I couldn't have os x then yeah I would go to linux. Hey 
man if it floats your boat then enjoy it:) I just don't have the patients 
anymore for linux or windows.

>My MacBook Pro is nice, but the keyboard pisses me off a little... I
>mean, come on, there's enough space for a function key on the other
>side too-- my last 17 incher had a freaking numberpad!  I know,
>aesthetics, and whatnot.
Personally I rarely use the fn key so that doesn't bother me, the frickin key I 
hate is CAPS LOCK... CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW????? lol

>Runs hot tho, and pretty unstable compared to ubuntu.
My first generation mbp ran hot, my latest one doesn't.
I run ubuntu on here and it's really not impressive to me but I'm not one who 
likes to run terminal all the time either. Getting someone to switch from 
windows to linux isn't very smooth unless they are a true geek, it's not 
something I would have my mom try. I obviously don't use linux on here a lot 
but os x is pretty damn stable, I think I have had 1 crash in almost 4 years 
now and that crash just restarted the machine and back to normal, it's nice to 
not loose anything if something happens.

>I know you love OS X too, Dave, but it's the truth.  Second.
only to linux users ;),2817,2273486,00.asp
humm interesting,1425,sz=1&i=181126,00.gif

damnnnnnnn, ubuntu's overall score lost to os x, xp & vista
Get the burn kit quick!! haha jk

>you ever wonder if computers have auras?  Why someone's mere presence
>seems to make them work, and such?
yeah lol
thats why i baby mine now!

Whatever os you use you do need to enjoy using it and that is different things 
to different people. My joy for the "other" os was turned to rage every time i 
used it so I had to make my escape!!!

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