"Establish a $10 billion Foreclosure Prevention Fund: Given the downturn 
in the economy, Obama is calling for immediate creation of his 
Foreclosure Prevention Fund that will dramatically increase emergency 
pre-foreclosure counseling, and will help families facing foreclosure to 
responsibly refinance their mortgages or sell their homes. Obama’s plan 
will not help speculators, people buying vacation homes or people that 
falsely represented their incomes. It is meant to help responsible 
homeowners through this difficult period. Stimulus: $10 billion."

"Extend and Expand Unemployment Insurance: Barack Obama believes we must 
extend and strengthen the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program to address 
the needs of the long-term unemployed, who currently make up nearly 
one-fifth of the unemployed and are often older workers who have lost 
their jobs in manufacturing or other industries and have a difficult 
time finding new employment. Expanding UI is one of the most effective 
ways to combat economic turmoil; every dollar invested in UI benefits 
results in $1.73 in economic output. Obama is calling for a temporary 
expansion of the UI program for those who have exhausted their current 
eligibility. Stimulus: $10 billion."

"Improve Transition Assistance: To help all workers adapt to a rapidly 
changing economy, Obama would update the existing system of Trade 
Adjustment Assistance by extending it to service industries, creating 
flexible education accounts to help workers retrain, and providing 
retraining assistance for workers in sectors of the economy vulnerable 
to dislocation before they lose their jobs."

"Raise the Minimum Wage: Barack Obama will raise the minimum wage, index 
it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit to make sure 
that full-time workers earn a living wage that allows them to raise 
their families and pay for basic needs."

"Obama's Plan to Cover Uninsured Americans: Obama will make available a 
new national health plan to all Americans, including the self-employed 
and small businesses, to buy affordable health coverage that is similar 
to the plan available to members of Congress. The Obama plan will have 
the following features:"

"Mandatory Coverage of Children: Obama will require that all children 
have health care coverage. Obama will expand the number of options for 
young adults to get coverage, including allowing young people up to age 
25 to continue coverage through their parents' plans."

"Expansion Of Medicaid and SCHIP: Obama will expand eligibility for the 
Medicaid and SCHIP programs and ensure that these programs continue to 
serve their critical safety net function."

Gruss Gott wrote:
>> Dana wrote:
>> it actually scares me that two people on this list agree with that
>> statement.
> Yes, but Robert is an emotional decision maker and this charge is no
> different from his decision to support Iraq: when challenged with the
> facts, he wilts.
> So challenge these name-callers to go to Obamas web site and give
> examples of socialist policy from his own words.
> But, just like Robert can't tell you why a single American boot should
> be in Iraq (beyond name-calling), he also won't be able to tell you
> why Obama is socialist.
> I heard McCain's a commie.

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