Katie Couric of all people has started actually asking real questions. Then the 
WaPo realized how flawed his war position is. Is the emperor wearing any 


Couric: But talking microcosmically, did the surge, the addition of 30,000 
additional troops ... help the situation in Iraq?

Obama: Katie, as … you've asked me three different times, and I have said 
repeatedly that there is no doubt that our troops helped to reduce violence. 
There's no doubt.

Couric: But yet you're saying … given what you know now, you still wouldn't 
support it … so I'm just trying to understand this.

Obama: Because … it's pretty straightforward. By us putting $10 billion to 
$12 billion a month, $200 billion, that's money that could have gone into 
Afghanistan. Those additional troops could have gone into Afghanistan. That 
money also could have been used to shore up a declining economic situation in 
the United States. That money could have been applied to having a serious 
energy security plan so that we were reducing our demand on oil, which is 
helping to fund the insurgents in many countries. So those are all factors that 
would be taken into consideration in my decision-- to deal with a specific 
tactic or strategy inside of Iraq.

Couric: And I really don't mean to belabor this, Senator, because I'm really, 
I'm trying … to figure out your position. Do you think the level of security 
in Iraq …

Obama: Yes.

Couric … would exist today without the surge?

Obama: Katie, I have no idea what would have happened had we applied my 
approach, which was to put more pressure on the Iraqis to arrive at a political 
reconciliation. So this is all hypotheticals. What I can say is that there's no 
doubt that our U.S. troops have contributed to a reduction of violence in Iraq. 
I said that, not just today, not just yesterday, but I've said that previously. 
What that doesn't change is that we've got to have a different strategic 
approach if we're going to make America as safe as possible. 

Mr. Obama in Iraq
Did he really find support for his withdrawal plan?

THE INITIAL MEDIA coverage of Barack Obama's visit to Iraq suggested that the 
Democratic candidate found agreement with his plan to withdraw all U.S. combat 
forces on a 16-month timetable. So it seems worthwhile to point out that, by 
Mr. Obama's own account, neither U.S. commanders nor Iraq's principal political 
leaders actually support his strategy.

Yet Mr. Obama's account of his strategic vision remains eccentric. He insists 
that Afghanistan is "the central front" for the United States, along with the 
border areas of Pakistan. But there are no known al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, 
and any additional U.S. forces sent there would not be able to operate in the 
Pakistani territories where Osama bin Laden is headquartered. While the United 
States has an interest in preventing the resurgence of the Afghan Taliban, the 
country's strategic importance pales beside that of Iraq, which lies at the 
geopolitical center of the Middle East and contains some of the world's largest 
oil reserves. If Mr. Obama's antiwar stance has blinded him to those realities, 
that could prove far more debilitating to him as president than any particular 

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