But one of the "planks" of the Republican platform is this "nucular" family.

Not just that it is the ideal we should strive for, but that anything less
is wrong, immoral, maybe even should be criminal. Should definitely be
looked down upon.

So, is this plank of the Republican platform something Palin disagrees with?
Is she more open in her interpretation of "family"? If so, she should speak
up on the subject, because right now, it looks to me like a bit of
hypocrisy. If not, is it just a case of "do what I say, not what I do?" If
it is, is she willing to give other people the same pass for being human and
having failings as she is giving herself? And are her supporters willing to
do the same?

Take for example John McCain's answers to family-related questions this

Also, the clip from the Daily Show last night comparing O'Reilly's take on
this family vs the take on the Spears family is telling.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 1:01 PM, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, so now anyone that doesn't agree with you cannot process logical
> thought?  Seriously?  Gruss I used to expect better from you.  What's
> wrong with my critical thought?
> These are ALL educated people, college graduates, most with advanced
> degrees right?  They have all gotten here from very different paths and
> backgrounds.
> They all have very different ideas on how and WHY government exists.
> I am voting for the person that closest represents (representative
> government anyone?) my issues, my background.  The person I think will
> act in a manner I would agree with.
> Know what I didn't grow up living in the same house as my parents for
> some of my childhood.  I knew plenty of people that had teen pregnancy
> scares.  Hell, I've lived half my kids lives away from them deployed, or
> living and working some place else.  We do what we have to do.  We also
> have cared for extended family, had them live with us and so on.
> The traditional nuclear family model hasn't been the norm in this
> country in a while.
> Gruss Gott wrote:
> >> tBone wrote:
> >> fish and hunt and on and on, how people can say she's not an over
> >> achiever is beyond me.
> >>
> >
> > And therein lies the problem with the Palin voter in nutshell:
> > inability to understand how and why critical thinking is used and who
> > has it.
> >
> >

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