
and the walls come crumblin down
and the walls come crumblin' crumblin'


-- tony

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
-- siddhartha gautama

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 11:49 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SUMMARY - She lied.  Surprise!
> -----------------------------------------------
> * It wasn't her idea; Alaska had been selling state assets on eBay for years.
> * The plane never actually sold on eBay.
> * Alaska lost money on the deal.
> --
> What is left unmentioned is that Palin didn't come up with the idea to
> sell the plane using eBay in the first place. Moreover, because of the
> unique purchasing terms of the aircraft -- which required the state to
> make payments amounting to $20,000 per month even if the jet wasn't in
> use -- the decision not to hire a broker to help sell the property
> appears in hindsight to have been a costly mistake.
> Before the Alaska Republican took office, it was something of a
> standard operating procedure for the state to try to sell such
> big-ticket items using the online auction site. Officials had been
> doing it since at least 2003, three years before Palin became
> governor.
> "It was the practice of the state to dispose of items such as this via
> eBay prior to listing the jet," Vern Jones, Alaska's Chief Procurement
> Officer, acknowledged on Tuesday.
> Despite being a normal state procedure and, in the end, a costly one,
> Palin has highlighted her decision to put Alaska's luxury jet on eBay
> in every speech she has given since being chosen as McCain's vice
> president. It is a significantly abridged version of what happened.
> By the time she was elected, there were many state items being offered
> on eBay. As the Anchorage Daily News reported on December 13, 2006,
> nine days after Palin took office and the day she announced the jet
> posting, the state was "auctioning 38 items on the site, including
> three aircraft -- two Super Cubs and a Cessna... Other items for sale
> included two sets of used helicopter floats ($300) and King Air
> exhaust stacks ($500)."
> Back in 2003, the state sold an old ferry, The Bartlett, for $389,500.
> As Jones noted in a Daily News article at that time, "it [was] not
> unusual for Alaska to sell big-ticket items on eBay because the site
> is cheap and has a big audience."
> The state jet, in contrast, was not a good fit for eBay. Palin never
> actually sold the aircraft online (though, unlike John McCain, she
> never claimed that to be the case). But more important, while the jet
> sat unsold, Alaska was on the hook to pay $62,492.79 every three
> months as part of the initial purchasing deal.
> In other words, if the state wasn't going to use the aircraft, there
> was an imperative to get rid of it. And as her administration waited
> for a bidder to match its minimum offer, those payments added up.
> Twenty days after putting the jet online, the Palin administration had
> to reissue the listing. The minimum bid had not been met. By April,
> the jet still had not sold despite three additional attempts.
> Eventually, Palin signed a contract with an Anchorage aircraft broker
> to help succeed where eBay couldn't. In August 2007, eight months
> after it was first put on sale, the jet was sold to an Alaskan
> businessman for $2.1 million -- $600,000 shy of the purchasing price.
> "The eBay thing didn't work out very well," Dan Spencer, director of
> administrative services for the Department of Public Safety (the
> individual charged with trying to get rid of the plane) told the
> Anchorage Daily News in April 2007. "I am [tired of dealing with it],"
> he added. "I don't know about anyone else."

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