More details.

But Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens (presently under indictment on corruption
charges) played hardball, ominously stating:

    I come to warn the Senate, if you want a wounded bull on the floor
of the Senate, pass this amendment. I stood here and watched Senator
Allen teach the Senate lesson after lesson after something was done to
Alabama that he didn't like. I don't threaten people; I promise

So the facts are plain. When it mattered, Gov. Palin stood up to Sen.
Stevens and dealt the Bridge to Nowhere its death blow. This is
something the U.S. Congress and senators Obama and Biden failed to do
on multiple occasions.

And while it's true that John McCain, unlike his running mate, has
always opposed pork-barrel earmarks, Sarah Palin, unlike Obama and
Biden, did the right thing when it counted most and stopped an
egregious example of earmark abuse. And now, of course, Palin has
joined McCain in calling for an end to earmarks.

Isn't it better to come around to the right position than to keep on
being wrong?

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sam wrote:
>> Obama and Biden voted twice to fund the bridge to nowhere instead of
>> fixing a bridge destroyed by Katrina. Twice.

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