um I thought the conspiracy theory was thinking that Bush would use
the fears brough forth by 9-11 for political advantage and to benefit
his campaign contributors. Nice to know that that is just tough
campaigning :)

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:04 AM, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That qualifies as tough campaigning, not as a global conspiracy theory.
> Kerry screwed himself. He should have never done the military angle,
> that was a stupid, stupid choice. The rule in politics is that you can
> change your mind once about any issue, but not twice. So Kerry goes to
> Vietnam, then turns negative on the entire thing, then he shows up 20
> years later as Mr. Military? People just didn't buy it.
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 8:52 PM, Dana wrote:
>> conspiracy theory? The Bushies all but said that the terrorists would
>> win if Kerry was elected. People bought it. Remember, I spent twelve
>> hours a day on the phone at the end of the last election.

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