rofl! now that's more like it...
woooo, i needed that...anybody have any more?

>A young man and his new wife are driving down a dark, lonely road one night,
>when the woman starts to feel a little randy. So she starts kissing his neck
>and whispers into his ear: "You know, speed turns me on." He says: "If I can
>get it over 100, will you get naked". "Oh yeah" she says.
>So he puts the pedal to the metal and sure enough, he hits 100mph, and she
>strips down naked. Well, he's too busy looking at her, misses a turn, runs
>smack into a tree. She gets ejected from the car, but he gets pinned in
>behind the steering wheel.
>Eventually she comes too and walks back to the car and sees her husband.
>"Honey, I'm stuck here in the car, I need you to walk into town and get
>"But I'm completely naked!!!!"
>"Just take one of my shoes and cover your nether region....please, I need
>So she takes one of his shoes, covers up her crotch, and heads into town.
>First place she comes too is a gas station. The attendant can't believe it
>as he sees this naked woman walking up to him, with only a shoe covering her
>"Please, sir, you have to help me, there's been a terrible accident and my
>boyfriend is stuck!!!!"
>Guy takes one look at the shoe and says: "Lady, he's WAY too far in there
>for me to do anything about it!"
>On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Stephenie Hamilton <

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