"Los Angeles (CA) We finally got some hands on time with the Fusion-io solid state drive and it definitely doesn't disappoint. This PCI Express card contains 160 gigabytes and up of insanely fast flash memory and will turn your computer into a monstrous photo and video editing beast. But beyond work, this card will do wonders for World of Warcraft multi-boxers as we were able to load up thirteen instances of WoW in just 36 seconds. Talk about controlling a small army from a single computer and flash card." "For the first test, we were shown Photoshop CS3 loading a huge 750 megabyte file from a traditional hard drive. Company reps explained that the file was for a 50-foot banner and that it's not uncommon for print shops and ad agencies to work with such large files. "It sucks, you just have to sit here and wait," they said and wait we did. After 3 minutes and 30 seconds of disk churning, the file popped up into the Photoshop window. The rep then copied the file to the Fusion-io drive. He also moved both the Photoshop and Windows swap files from the hard drive to the SSD. To make sure there wasn't any funny business, the machine was rebooted to flush out any latent memory in system cache. This time the file took 28 seconds to load, a full seven-fold improvement from before. With this drive, you could conceivably open, edit and save this document in the same time that it takes to for a hard drive-equipped computer to just open the file." Finally, the waiting for things to happen on the computer is OVER! .... The catch is that one of these drives , a 160GB version, costs about US$1000.00 *sigh* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: