no but it shows some of the blatantly stupid things that folks are 
teaching their kids...

Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> Central Florida 7th grader called racist for wearing Palin t-shirt
> She's only 12 years old but Ashleigh Jones is feeling the heat of this
> election year.
> That's because the seventh grader at New Smyrna Beach Middle School was
> called a racist by classmates for wearing a pro-Sarah Palin t-shirt.
> Jones is volunteering at the Republican Headquarters in New Smyrna Beach.
> The Palin t-shirt was a gift from her fellow volunteers.
> "Some of the students were calling me racist because I was Caucasian," she
> said. "I wanted the Caucasian man to win. And I told them that's not true.
> It's my freedom of speech, it's my opinion."
> Jones' parents say they aren't mad at the school they just want everyone
> including their daughter to voice their opinion constructively.
> Officials with Volusia County Schools said there were no referrals or
> complaints to the office about this incident.
> Ashleigh said that more of her friends are expressing their views by wearing
> political t-shirts and she plans to wear hers again.
> Hm, I wonder if the reverse is true and a black student with an Obama shirt
> is a racist as well?

Scott Stewart
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