This exact idea was proposed in a Tom Clancy book, _Sum of All Fears_ I

If the Palestinians were to begin peaceful civil disobedience instead of the
suicide bombings then the Isrealis would lose the entire moral high ground,
just as the police in Birmingham, AL did in the 1960s.

Russel Madere
Senior Software Engineer
Turbo Squid, Inc.

Is your head tag nested within your body tag?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Howard Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 11:05 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: White Vests
> Two converging thoughts ---
> Something I read today recommending that Palestinians embrace the examples
> of Martin Luther King Jr. and Ghandi -- instead of suicide bombers, they
> should engage in peaceful protests, blocking Israeli military troop
> movements. If they want peace, this would send a strong message
> to the world
> and increase pressure on Israel to take a more open approach to Palestine.
> On the news, I saw a report of more and more Americans and
> Europeans pouring
> into Palestine. They were white vests and engage in peaceful intradictions
> on behalf of the Palestinians. They put their lives at risk to protest
> Israeli action. They practice and preach non-violence.
> While I remain committed to the idea that Israel must CRUSH the terrorist
> infrastructure, but I think there is something to admire about
> those who are
> engaging in non-violent action -- it's idealistic and probably won't work,
> but if the Palestinians would embrace this example, they would accomplish
> their goals more quickly. In fact, if they had started such a movement 50
> years ago, there would be a Palestinian state now, along side Israel, and
> both states would be wealthy and healthy and friends.
> H.
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