There's a suspicion in some McCain loyalist precincts that Gov. Sarah
Palin is beginning to play the Republican base against John McCain

Think ahead to 2010...2011...2012.

Palin is ambitious. Very ambitious.

And if she wants the job, she's easily the frontrunner to become THE
voice of the angry Right in the Wilderness.  She is a favorite of talk
radio and Fox News conservatives, and speaks their language as only a
true member of the club can. (Her recent Limbaugh interview was full
of dog whistles that any Dittohead would recognize. Including her
actual use of the word ditto.)

Palin will have plenty of time to become fluent on national issues.
She will easily benefit from the low expectations threshhold, and will
probably even garner positive reviews from the MSM types who disparage
her today.

Palin will be judged to be "ready" in four years.  George Will and
David Brooks and Peggy Noonan will all swoon over her once more. Ok,
maybe not George Will.

Palin is an enormously talented politician.  When she knows what she's
talking about, or even when she knows enough to fake it, she is very,
very appealing, and very good at redirecting questions to whatever her
message is.

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