seriously, this is pretty cool...

Google tool uses search terms to detect flu outbreaksStory Highlights
Google Flu Trends may predict flu outbreaks up to two weeks faster than CDC

Tool takes into account that not everyone who searches for flu-related
words has it

Individual users cannot be identified, but Google knows which U.S.
state you're in

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By Elizabeth Landau

(CNN) -- If you have a fever, headache and runny nose, you might go to
Google and type the words "flu symptoms" to see whether you've come
down with influenza.

Google Flu Trends provides a map of influenza activity in the U.S. at

 Google knows that you might do something like that, and it also knows
which U.S. state you're in. Now, it's putting that information
together in a tool that Google says could detect flu outbreaks faster
than traditional systems currently in use.

Google's new public health initiative, Google Flu Trends, looks at the
relative popularity of a slew of flu-related search terms to determine
where in the U.S. flu outbreaks may be occurring.

"What's exciting about Flu Trends is that it lets anybody --
epidemiologists, health officials, moms with sick children -- learn
about the current flu activity level in their own state based on data
that's coming in this week," said Jeremy Ginsberg, the lead engineer
who developed the site.

The tool, which launched Tuesday, operates on the idea that there's
likely to be a flu outbreak in states where flu-related search terms
are currently popular.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collaborated with
Google on the project, helping validate and refine the model, and has
provided flu tracking data over a five-year period, said Dr. Joseph
Bresee, chief of the epidemiology and prevention branch in the CDC's
influenza division.

Although it doesn't replace the need for real viral surveillance data,
Flu Trends is a good model, and the CDC looks forward to testing it
this flu season, Bresee said.

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Google Flu Trends
"We really are excited about the future of using different
technologies, including technology like this, in trying to figure out
if there's better ways to do surveillance for outbreaks of influenza
or any other diseases in the United States," he said. "In theory at
least, this idea can be used for any disease and any health problem."

Researchers found a tight correlation between the relative popularity
of flu-related search terms and CDC's surveillance data, Ginsberg

In the 2007-08 flu season, Google accurately estimated current flu
levels one to two weeks faster than published CDC reports in each of
the nine U.S. surveillance regions, Google said in a statement.  Test
your knowledge of cold and flu »

Traditionally, influenza surveillance has involved physicians' reports
of patients with flu-like symptoms, lab reports of influenza from
nasal and throat swabs, and death certificates.

Only that kind of analysis will detect the spread of influenza strains
not covered by the flu vaccine, information that search engine
information does not reflect, experts say.  Read more about who should
get vaccinated »

But there has been concern that influenza surveillance systems in
place are not fast enough, and the new tool could be useful for the
basic purpose of quickly detecting outbreaks, said Dr. Randall
Stafford, associate professor of medicine at Stanford University's
Prevention Research Center, who was not involved in the project.

Health Library Cold and flu
"Sacrificing accuracy may not necessarily carry a big penalty if
you're able to predict increasing flu incidence as well as the other
systems, and do it more rapidly," he said.

Still, there are limitations, Bresee said. The tool may miss cases of
influenza spreading among elderly people, because they are less likely
to use the Internet than younger people, Stafford said. He also noted
that many people who search for flu-related terms have viral
infections that are not actually influenza.

Google has also taken into account that people sometimes look for
flu-related terms in response to certain news headlines and do not
actually have the flu, Ginsberg said. The tool looks for terms that,
for example, reflect searches by a person who has chest congestion or
wants to buy a thermometer, he said.

Flu Trends may also help doctors make diagnoses, Ginsberg said.

"I would be very hesitant to diagnose influenza at this point in the
year, but if the tool tells me influenza in California is really
increasing dramatically, I might be more likely or willing to
diagnose," Stafford said.

Influenza is responsible for more than 500,000 deaths worldwide each
year, according to the World Health Organization.

Flu Trends cannot be used to identify individual users, the company
statement said. The search engine relies on aggregated counts, made
anonymous, of how often certain search terms occur each week. But
every computer connected to the Internet has its own internet protocol
address, or IP address, which reveals its location to Google.

Software engineers and public health experts at, the
company's philanthropic arm, collaborated on the project, Ginsberg
said. The search engine giant turned 10 years old this year.

The overall flu activity in the U.S. is low, although a few states --
such as Hawaii, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Delaware and Maine --
have "moderate" activity, according to Google's map, based on data
current through Monday.

"There's no question that testing for virus in blood is the only way
to get the most information, but having this sort of information
earlier does make sense," Stafford said.

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