Crude hit $12/barrel in 1998 can't remember what caused that...sure wasn't a 
global recession though.......

>I think this is short term.. once the world gets out of this downturn, I
>expect to see oil prices increase and remain around $100 a barrel.
>In the mean time, I am going to put a 10,000 gallon gas tank in my backyard
>and buy a lot of fuel stabilizer... ;-)
>Lets see.. 2oz per 5 gallons...
>It should help. But I personally do not think it is a long-term drop,
>for instance, and many people probably share the sentiment.
>On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 6:21 AM, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> $1.79 this morning in KC.
>> Question: If the high price of gas a year or two ago had such a crippling
>> affect that it help lead to the economic downturn...why wouldn't a return
>> a more normal cost for this necessary commodity have the OPPOSITE affect?
>> other words, people should be spending almost half as much this month on
>> gasoline as they were just a year ago.......that's a BIG chunk of money
>> is left in consumers pockets.
>> Shouldn't this help?
>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 6:06 PM, Ray Champagne

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