
-- tony

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
-- siddhartha gautama

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just had this conversation via IM.
> I feel like a fell through a rabbit-hole.
> Guy:    i sent mail with scripts
>        you got chance to see
> Me:     I probably won't get a chance to look at them until later today.
> Guy:    np ...we will talk when u get chance thanks all
> Me:     We still need documentation on how to use the scripts
> Guy:    that no my call..may Bob can say some thing
>        see this AD job they need help you..
>        even with documentation what this job does
> Me:     I just glanced - these are all pretty pure database code.
> Guy:    Jim get id on system
>        then u can see named script
>        through name script those two being called
> Me:     Already requested - will take at least a day,
> Guy:    we will wait
>        Bob look long way to go.. Jim has to get id get on system
>        to get connect provilges it has to come me
>        so much to go,..
>        then resolving issue comes
>        just fyi..
> There's a kind of lyric quality to it.  Like Asian poetry.
> Jim Davis

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