On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 4:39 AM, Scott Raley -ITC wrote:
> I'm testing the esxi because I'd like to use it at a school that has 5 labs
> (125pc's) so I can easily roll out another image to it once a semester or
> training program is over.

Hmm... how powerful are those labs?  Got goodly amounts of RAM and whatnot?

I love virtual machines, they are the bee's knees, but running them on
crappy hardware really... sucks.  =]

The main reason I wanted ESXi was to try out the HyperVisor stuff...
and it really does seem to make a difference.

Do your labs have the hardware support for VMs?  If so, well, that's a
good plus for using it.

As for ESXi itself... hmm, you'd have to SSH/SCP the various images
around, as they really want you to buy their management app to do
stuff like that...

Not a big deal, you could even script that stuff up, probably...   you
wouldn't need all the fancy load-balancing stuff they push, anyways...

If you don't have the hardware to go pure VM, you can use something
like Ghost, which has a nice deal for managing a bunch of computers
and pushing out images and whatnot...

What are you using to manage your labs now?

Heck, you could get all crazy, and use Ghost combined with Xen
(another VM deal) to have all those installs everyone always wants...
sheesh.  Automated push is the way to go tho, no doubt. Nifty consoles
to monitor the push are nice, but not necessary.

Man I love computers.

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