It looked to me like they were _all_ on a street.

Are streets not public there? was that a private road? (I don't know this

I would not have been waving the gun around, which is a stupid thing to do.
But if I had a gun, and was accosted in such a way by these 5 guys, with
more behind them, I would not have turned my back, but would have slowly
retreated facing them (as these two seem to have been doing). And if they
closed with me, and started to grapple, AND IF I FEARED THEY WERE GOING TO
KILL ME, I would have opened fire, too.

My point is that without context, which I do not have even with all of the
reading I have tried to do), I cannot fault either side for their actions.

Being there on that street at that time = dumb
Waving a gun at an irate group = dumb
Throwing rocks at people = dumb
Letting a 13 year old throw rocks at a person with a gun = really dumb
Pushing and trying to grab a man with a gun = really dumb

The only "smart" guy in this whole thing was the friend of the guy with the
gun. He ran away when the crowd grabbed his friend. What is that old joke?
You don't have to be faster than the lion....

Imagine this on Cops, in any hick town in America. Bad Boys, bad boys,
whachoo gonna do? Guy gets kicked out of his trailer by the cops, and is
escorted off. Hours later he comes back, wielding a gun, and the people in
the park start throwing rocks at him. They slowly surround him, and try to
grab him and his gun. And he shoots them, and they jump him and start to
stomp him.

And finally the police come.

Sure, the guy gets charged with tresspassing (even if the trailer park road
is public). He gets charged with numerous gun charges, including attempted
murder. The people in the crowd also get charged with assault, maybe with a
deadly weapon for the rocks. The guys in the beat down get charged with
assault, maybe with a deadly weapon for the boots. And the cops tell them
they are idiots to surround a guy with a gun.

The prosecuter loves the video.

And I am not sure which convictions will stick. It all depends on what
happened TO THESE PARTICULAR people when the cops came last time. And their
prior records. And how good their attorneys are, and how well they clean up
in a suit.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 1:14 AM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > JJ wrote:
> > You just argued 2 sides of the same argument.
> >
> > Which was it? He didn't use deadly force, or he tried to murder them?
> >
> My point was that the use of the gun was not justified even ignoring
> any issues about who's property was who's.  The gun owner had no
> reason to have it out and he could've simply walked away; instead he's
> clearly provoking the crowd.
> So, ignoring all other issues, the gun toter is in the wrong.
> Then you add in the fact that he was trespassing and it makes him all the
> worse.
> As to your response, it's your choice if you want to excuse someone
> for murdering your family while illegally trespassing on your
> property.  Luckily the law doesn't agree with you.

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