> Won,
> After living in NJ for 35 years, I can say, withotu hesitation, New
> Jersey
> deserves its reputation.  It was not until I was able to escape...I
> mean
> move away that I was able to see that.  Maybe it was the toxins in teh
> air/water/soil.

I know what you mean.  I ask myself why I don't move to a warm weather
climate every day during winter.  My family moved to VA.  And even though
it was colder than usual, I still got to golf 18 holes during
Thanksgiving.  NJ is High taxes and crooked state government.  The only
things going for it is the proximity to NYC, jobs and a really diverse
ethnic population (translation good places to eat).  Unfortunately, the
only eastern time zone city that fits my criteria is Miami and it barely
fits it.


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