I've been paying close attention to all of the arguments for/against
the stimulus and all of the various methods.

Basically they all boil down to this number or that number with a mix
of this or that.  But that all agree it's needed and in a big way.

The post below best summarizes the political conversation and I've
determined that it's just that: political, versus criticism based on
any sort of data or decent theory.

If you're interested ...

WARNING - Quant Jock discussion follows

Is There a Serious Conservative Argument Against the Stimulus?

I'm happy that Harvard University economist/blogger Greg Mankiw has
decided that his blog is an appropriate place to respond to my
"blogosphere commentary" (Intellectual Dishonesty (Gasp!) from a
Conservative Economist) about his New York Times article today. His
response, however leaves me even more doubtful that there is a serious
conservative argument to be made against the broad outlines of Barack
Obama's stimulus package.

My claim was that Mankiw willfully and intentionally misinterpreted
this paper by Christina and David Romer about the macroeconomic
effects of tax cuts. Mankiw's claim is that I naively and
unintentionally misinterpreted it. Romer and Romer's distinction
between between "exogenous" and "endogenous" tax cuts, Mankiw says, is
merely an artifact of their research design, rather than a limitation
of the potential applications of their findings to the recession.

The endogenous/exogenous distinction certainly is an element of the
Romers' research design -- and a clever one at that. But this is not
mutually exclusive with it also being a limitation on the
applicability of the paper to a recessionary tax cut. In fact, I would
argue that it is something approaching an express limitation: when
Romer and Romer talk in their paper about countercyclical tax cuts,
such as the ones now being contemplated as part of the stimulus
package, they are decidedly lukewarm on them: "[P]olicymakers' efforts
to adjust taxes to offset anticipated changes in private economic
activity have been largely unsuccessful", they write.

Granted, this type of tax cut is not the principal focus of the paper,
so perhaps there is some room for interpretation. When I am writing to
a large audience like that of the New York Times, my preference is to
cite others' work more conservatively rather than more broadly, but in
the digital age such courtesies are frequently ignored.

That notwithstanding, it is not like the paper is some founders'
document or Dead Sea Scroll whose every fragment we must struggle to
interpret. Christina Romer is a living, breathing economist -- very
much so, in fact, since she's taking Mankiw's old job as the head of
the President's Council of Economic Advisers. And when Romer had to
estimate the multiplier associated with the sort of recessionary tax
cut that Mankiw is talking about, as she did just yesterday (!) in the
transition team's official position paper on the stimulus, she
estimated a multiplier of $0.99 for every dollar of tax cuts rather
than $3.00. So Mankiw is either suggesting that he knows Romer's work
better than Romer does (even though he conceded in his New York Times
editorial that the mechanism behind Romer's finding remains a "puzzle"
to him), or he is in effect accusing Romer of being less than true to

But there is another dead giveaway in the Romer paper suggesting that
it is explicitly not intended to be applied as a one-size-fits-all
fiscal policy solution. Romer and Romer identify not just one type of
"exogenous" tax shock, but two. The first type is a spontaneous, 'just
because' kind of tax cut "motivated by a desire to raise long-run
growth". This is the type that Romer and Romer posit is associated
with a large multiplier -- the large multiplier than Mankiw cites in
the Times piece. The second type of "exogenous" tax shock is a tax
increase motivated by a desire to pay off a budget deficit. Would this
type of tax increase also be associated with a substantial reduction
in growth? No, according to Romer and Romer. Instead they find that
such a tax hike "do[es] not have the large output costs associated
with other exogenous tax increases" and may in fact be beneficial to
the economy!

So Romer and Romer identify two types of exogenous tax shocks, one
associated with a larger-than-conventionally-assumed multiplier, and
the other associated with a smaller-than-conventionally-assumed
multiplier -- perhaps even one in which the sign is reversed. In
considering a third type of tax cut, an "endogenous" tax cut designed
to stimulate growth during a recession, what basis does Mankiw to
assume that it will behave more like the former than the latter?

He doesn't have any, as far as I can tell. The more conservative
reading of the Romer paper is that it is agnostic on a recessionary
tax cut. The next-most conservative reading is that it is actively, if
cautiously, skeptical about one. Mankiw's reading, on the other hand,
does not appear to come from the text of the paper itself, nor from
the other works and statements of Romer, some of which in fact
contradict Mankiw's reading.

Perhaps, then, the context for Mankiw's interpretation lies outside
the paper -- from work that other economists have done? Actually, this
is a bit of a problem as well, because the reason the paper is a
source of such wonderment is because it contradicts so much
"conventional" (a.k.a. Keynesian) economic thinking.

This doesn't necessarily mean that it's wrong -- all great ideas must
have their genesis somewhere.

But the analogy is that Mankiw uses in his blog entry, that of the
clinical trial, seems to be the right one. This paper is the
equivalent of a very early stage clinical trial -- it has not even
been thoroughly peer-reviewed, much less its result replicated by
other economists. Its mechanisms are conjectural and poorly
understood. And frankly, it's a little counterintuitive -- a 300
percent multiplier on a tax cut is a very large multiplier indeed,
large enough that it seems as though its impacts would have become
manifest sometime and somewhere, by some tax-cutting prince in some
supply-side neverland.

To extend the analogy: imagine that the patient -- the economy -- has
cancer of the bladder. There is a safe, proven, therapy for cancer of
the bladder -- the Government Purchases Therapy. This achieves solid
but not spectacular results, preventing a recurrence about 70 percent
of the time but sometimes with significant side-effects. And then
there is an experimental therapy, the Mankiw Magic Tax Cut Therapy,
which promises to restore the patient to full health within six weeks
with no risk of a recurrence -- except that it has never been tested
on rats, let alone humans, and it's a therapy for liver cancer, rather
than bladder cancer. Which course of action are you going to take?

The objection to this, I suppose, is that if the tax cuts are
experimental, they are also liable to be fairly benign, and would not
contradict the "safe" remedy, which is government purchases. I think
this is in fact a relatively thoughtful objection. If we can afford
the tax cuts, they probably won't hurt us, and there's always the
chance that they could help. What we don't want to do, however, is to
take the tax cut therapy but simultaneously cut the government
purchases therapy to half of its recommended dosage.


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