errets.  They bite.
> Not mine, they generally go for idiots and jerks. That means that most 
> people on this list are perfectly save, there are one or two neo-con 
> ostriches I'd suggest may not want to approach them in that case.
> (BTW I'm typing this while one of them is sleeping on my lap).

BTW i meant one of the ferrets.

Actually they're very useful in keeping fundies and other sorts of 
proselytizers away. A few weeks ago some local group decided to pester us. I 
showed up at the door with 3 wriggling ferrets, all quite desperate to get 
loose. The religious missionaries left immediately after, rather quickly 

During the election there was an interesting divide between the political party 
canvassers. The Democratic Party reps typical reaction was "Aw how cute!" while 
the Republicans common reaction was "Keep that thing away from me!" The sole 
Libertarian (at least that's what I think he was) only said "Supper!" Mind you 
he could have just been someone looking for a handout. 

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