eh. He stopped the farce of a trial going on at Guantanamo so there
are things that can be done in 24 hours. Which, by the way, was
absolutely the right thing to do.

He has to balance doing it right vs doing it fast and has apparently
chosen doing it right. Hopefully he does. But it *is* his choice.

So yeah, if we have to have a fault it is his.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
> A well thought out response.  However, I would disagree its Obama's 'fault'
> ly 24 hours into his presidency.
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>> > SS wrote:
>> > I was just wondering who, in Gruss' Laws of Responsibility, would be to
>> > blame.
>> >
>> Well, if you want the full answer ...
>> Normally I'd say the vagaries of the normal fuel supply chain.
>> However with oil there's the gov't manipulation that we know about
>> such as taxes, refining capacity, et al, and the mucking about we
>> don't know about.  So it's a special case.
>> But right now in fuel supply chain we've also got a superfun
>> commodities play going on called ... everybody ... CONTANGO!
>> Evvvverybooooody contango.
>> Basically what this means is that investment banks are f'n you and
>> that's the most likely reason your price went up right now cause
>> otherwise it'd be going down; there's shitloads of crude just sitting
>> out in tankers doing a whole lotta nothing.
>> Now as a conservative I'd say we want the gov't OUT of the fuel biz
>> but since it's so critical we can't do that.  Without getting into
>> policy I'll just say this:
>> Obama needs to get a an energy plan in place and hasn't had time to
>> yet so he's apparently decided to let everybody do the contango.
>> Thus, it's Obama's fault.
>> How's that?

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