You had me at "I'm"

On 3/14/09, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>> Denny wrote:
>> Are you honestly suggesting that 9/11 occurred because we didn't pay
>> enough attention to the attackers skin color, or apparel, or place of
>> worship?
> I'm not suggesting it I'm saying it's documented fact; but I'm also
> saying you list is only a partial one.
> The nights before the 9/11 attack, Atta and others were hitting strip
> clubs essentially bragging about what they were going to do.
> I get that you emotional types want to fly in and rescue those you
> feel are being oppressed - me too.
> What I'm saying is: rescue yourselves, because you're under attack.
> I couldn't care less about Muslims or Christians or Hinto or any skin
> color; I ain't "white" myself.
> What I'm saying is that as long as we're afraid to point out a problem
> is a community (pick your grouping), it will remain a problem.
> Here's the point:
> I'm not a black guy.  So if I stand up and say there's problem with
> Men taking responsibility as fathers I get attacked - probably by you
> emotes - as being racist.  Unfair, but that's reality because people
> are weak minded.
> So what's the best way to fix the problem?
> A black dude needs to stand up and say it.  That takes real courage.
> Well, Cosby and Obama have both done it.  They got attacked for it by,
> for example, Jesse Jackson.
> See some people want to point the finger else where before they fix
> their own house; The honorable fix their house first.
> So what I'm telling you is that, factually, the Muslim community has a
> problem with extremist murderers on a global scale.  That's not
> opinion.
> Now you emotes can attack me for being racist - and you have - but how
> did that change the fact?  Didn't.
> I realize that.
> What I'm hoping is that you sober up and tell your Muslim friends that
> they should speak out; they need to be Cosby or Obama within their
> communities.
> Because if they stay silent - and let's be clear, they have - then
> eventually the problem will fester to the point where outsiders have
> to take action.
> So if you emotes care as much as you pretend to, then help be part of
> the solution.
> Because if all you can do is attack the messenger - me - then you're
> part of problem.
> And that problem is what got us here in the first place.
> So grow a pair and stop being cowards.

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