> Sam wrote:
> You have a lot to say about messengers, care to address any of the messages?

Obama is the heir of the largest failure of leadership in American history.

Fixing problems that have festered for 20 years, and then grew
exponentially in the last 10, is going to controversial at a minimum.

Assuming there is a solution, it's going to take group sacrifice by
all and downright suffering by some.  That's not going to popular.

Thus a sure metric of success is if there are complainers across the
entire political spectrum.  Your article does a great of showing just

Whatever your opinion might be of how Obama is suggesting we solve
these problems there are 3 undeniable facts:

(1.) He's attempting to solve ALL the big problems.

(2.) He's assembled teams of accomplished subject matter experts to
design the solutions.

(3.) His approach will win big or fail big.

The mistake your article makes is the characterization of "the spell".

That concept is an invention of people with low self-esteem to explain
popularity; it makes them feel like there's some sneaky magic at work
which then gives them false confidence they can wait it out.

Obama's popularity is not "a spell", it's projection of confidence and
articulation of expectations.

Once you understand that you understand the mechanism that may cause
his failure: catastrophic failure due to design assumptions.

In other words, Obama is betting BIG - the biggest.  And he knows what
that means: he'll either be one of the greatest presidents or one of
greatest failures.

I'm skeptical at this point, but I have to admire a guy who's taking
on every single major policy failure over the last 40 years AND he's
doing it during a financial crisis.

Dude's got a brass set.

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