To be fair, he's really just doing what thousands of moderate
Republicans in Pennsylvania already did...leave the Republican party.
Pennsylvania has really had a very (to me) surprising shift in voter
registration. A lot of long time Republicans becoming Independents or
Democrats. That means that the remaining folks who are registered as
Republican are 1) smaller in number and 2) more hard core
conservative. Toomey is right to challenge Specter. Specter doesn't
represent what remains of the Republican Party in PA any longer.

Now, more interestingly to me, is whether Specter will get a serious
primary challenge on the Democrat side of the aisle and whether this
will change his vote on the Employee Free Choice Act. Specter was an
EFCA sponsor in the last Congress but came out against it this time
around, presumably because of the threatened challenge from Toomey.
Republicans decided to challenge him in the primary even though he
voted with them on EFCA, so now does Specter stick to this years
opinion on EFCA or does he switch back to his previous stance on it
and prove one of the deciding votes in the Senate?


On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:56 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey
<> wrote:
>> And he knew he was not going to win a Republican primary fight against
>> Toomey, but now he'll win the general against Toomey fairly easily. If he
>> wanted to stay in office, this move was inevitable.
> I just heard the sound clip from his interview where he said, "I will
> not have my 29 year senate career changed by the republican primary
> system."
> Oof, where's that bus?

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