This is possible. 3 years ago one of the largest biotesting companies released 
a certification kit that had some extremely virulent strains of viruses. 
Fortunately they were recalled in time. So I can see this happening.

>Those motherf&%*$(# sons of $...@%^&!
>"An Australian researcher claims the swine
>which has killed at least 64 people so far, might not be a mutation that
>occurred naturally but a man-made product of genetic experiments accidently
>leaked from a laboratory -- a theory the World Health Organization is taking
>very seriously.
>   Respected scientist believes the virus might have been created in a lab.
>Adrian Gibbs, a scientist on the team that was behind the development of
>Tamiflu, says in a report he is submitting today that swine flu might have
>been created using eggs to grow viruses and make new
>could have been accidently leaked to the general public." 

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