My beloved mbp bit the dust few weeks back. yeah yeah i know I already ate 
plenty of crow... (and was rewarded for it today when a shiny new mbp was 
delivered to my door:) )

So anyways, down she went on a friday night and I needed to get online to make 
a genius bar appointment but I can't since my mac is DOA but you have to do it 
And amazingly.. there isn't an app for that....

>Of course there is.
>(unsexy but related "there's-an-app" joke tie-in)
>ROSWELL, Ga. (AP) - A Roswell liquor store clerk's cell phone may have
>saved his life.
>Police said when the would-be robber tried to stab the clerk at
>Beverage Mart in Roswell on Monday the knife dented the cell phone in
>the clerk's pocket, but did not injure him.
>The clerk, 59-year-old Joseph Wescott, then pulled a gun and shot the
>man in the abdomen. The clerk was given the pistol by his son, a
>Roswell police officer. 

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