>From my understanding, that yelling etc happened after Gates showed the police 
>his ID. The police have a very different story. However given that this isn't 
>the first time its happened with the Cambridge police I'm more inclined to 
>believe Gates. 

>Its been reported that Gates called the cops 'racist'. I would be
>interested to now if he said that and when.  Was it when the cops
>approached him? Was it when they asked for ID? Was it after he showed
>ID and they still gave him shit?
>To me it matters. If the cops approached him (or when he was asked for
>ID) and he started spouting off the racial crap, then he started the
>process of making it a bad situation (which the cops continued).
>However, if the cops continued to harass him even after showing ID,
>well, then they are solely to blame.
>Sometimes people who bitch about the police don't really have a clue
>of how dangerous of a job it can be. Just look at the bloodbath in
>Jersey City last week - 3 dead cops and 4 injured. Now, I understand
>Cambridge is not Jersey City, but that does not mean the potential for
>danger does not exist.
>The cops are not always the bad guys when shit hits the fan. There was
>a time when I wanted to be a cop. I am so glad that I decided against
>it. I would not be able to work in a world where every move I make is
>questioned.  Where I might second guess pulling my weapon out of fear
>of being smeared in the media - because that can get cops killed.
>I think sometimes we need to give the cops the benefit of the doubt
>until we know all the facts. But I guess ' innocent until proven
>guilty' only applies to low life scum bag criminals.

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