I am writing down the date.

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Larry Lyons<larrycly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >>Actually, that is not what I said.
> >>
> >>What I said was that sometimes (though not nearly as often as some
> >>would have you believe) pot is the first step. Most (if not all) of
> >>the hardcore drug users I saw in my career in EMS started with pot.
> >>Now, as has been stated, this has more to do with the person than
> >>whatever dug they first started using, but it does not detract form
> >>the fact that pot can, for some, be the first step into hardcore
> >>drugs.
> >>
> >>Would they get into hardcore drugs if they did not start with pot?  No
> >>one knows. We can speculate, but we do not know for sure.  I will also
> >>state that I have known a lot of people who never went past pot (which
> >>gives weight to the 'its the person, not the drug' idea).
> >>
> >
> > While many addicts start on less "harmful" drugs, a very "mild" drug does
> not necessary lead to more harmful psychoactive drugs. Similarly there are
> those addicts that started on crack heroin etc., without any intervening
> steps.
> I think we both said the same thing. Though, most drug addicts I
> encountered in my previous career started with a 'mild' drug, but
> admittedly, this is a small sampling of 'drug addicts'
> >
> > In other words correlation != causation.
> Just like with guns. Owning a gun does not necessarily lead to killing
> someone. ;D
> >
> > It may also be that many users shop around for their buzz. I am willing
> to bet that those more hard core users you mentioned drank beer before they
> touched pot. Also I suspect that its not just one drug (ie crack, meth etc)
> they take regularly, but more than one.
> I would agree with that.
> >
> > To some extent I think that addiction is determined to a great extent by
> physiological factors. Then by environmental ones. If the person tends
> towardsfor addition (and pardon the very gross over-generalization here)
> they will become addicted to something. They may change from drug to drug
> until they find one that supplies their need best. In contrast there are
> also those who no matter the exposure to whatever, they will not become
> addicted. If you look at the uptake pathways in the brain, many addicts will
> show a lot more response in select areas of the brain than non addicts. The
> caveat here is that these studies used small samples etc.
> Again, I think we are saying the same thing.
> >
> > Environmental factors may determine in part the choice of drugs and
> degree of exposure/ Thay may determine the degree of resistance to
> addiction, such as competing behaviors, cognitive factors etc, but I don't
> think that they have as much of an impact as physiology in whether the
> person becomes addicted.
> Again, I agree.
> >
> > larry
> >
> >

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