Agreed. But then again, those people still can't afford a new car, even with
$4500 off the tag. As well meaning as this program was, it just won't work
to it's intended program and will instead be as Robert says, people trading
in to get their new beemer or Mercedes at a taxpayer-subsidized discount.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:44 AM, Dana <> wrote:

> ah so since my car does get more than that, then I would not have
> qualified?
> That's a relief in a way, though it pisses me off even more under the
> category of subsidizing SUV owners. I do think that there are people out
> there who drive inefficient cars because that is all they can afford -- if
> there were a way to limit the program to them I'd consider liking it.

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