> I guess I'm not seeing the same thing as you.  It's not like they're
> saying "You should not believe in god".  IMO, they're saying, "hey, if
> you don't believe in god you can still be an ethical human
> being....it's not something to be ashamed of".
> I also wouldn't consider an ad that said "It's okay to believe in god"
> to be prosthletising either.  Now, if the ad said "Jesus is the one
> true way and if you don't believe you will burn in hell"...that would
> be.

I'm seeing this ad and lining it up with ad campaigns from the United
Methodist Churches -

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMIpnH4g5HI "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqxzr7lotnc "Rethink Church"

As far as organized - they are most certainly organized, otherwise why
would they pay for public advertisi

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