I like to use MyEclipse and CFEclipse with the Adobe CF plugin. The
java tools suite is pretty good, as is the database and server tools.
Unfortunately there's no decent integrated UM tools. Lately though
I've been impressed with CFBuilder so far. Now if I could just find a
UML plugin that is compatible with Eclipse and Snow Leopard.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Dave l <cfl...@jamwerx.com> wrote:
> 1. Coda
> http://www.panic.com/coda/
> Lite weight but I always go back to it for most of my use.
> It does have cfm support
> 2. CfBuilder
> When I need more cfc support but rarely ever do.
> 3. Textmate
> http://macromates.com/
> The defacto editor for mac
> Personally I hate key short cuts and textmate relies on these so I end up 
> using this more for js work and editing system files.. works great on apache
> 4. Skedit
> http://www.skti.org/skedit/
> for quick edits.. actually a pretty nice little editor with cfm support
> 5. expresso
> http://www.macrabbit.com/espresso/
> it's ok not much cfm support yet but has addons called sugars which you can 
> add support for whatever but the cf one is pretty bare right now.
> for css
> cssedit
> http://www.macrabbit.com/cssedit/
> Best css editor ever
>>My supervisor is wanting me to set up his mbp for CF development.
>>What do people use for CF coding on OSX? Wysiwyg is not important, but
>>I'm thinking code completion might be.

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