I was wondering when someone would be bringing up implicit social
cognition. It woudl be far better if the writer could have presented
some research on the attitudes of Birthers and their supporters.

That said there was an excellent article about Orly Taitz - one of the
"shining lights" of the movement. Says a lot about those who believe
in this tripe.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "There are those who say that even if Obama were to provide every last
> record down to dry-cleaning receipts, no proof could satisfy birther
> proponents. In Taitz's case, there's what she calls "a two-prong test."
> Bucking the common view that "natural born citizen" — the constitutional
> requirement for a U.S. president — means, generally speaking, born on
> American soil, she argues that to be president a person must not only be
> born here but must also be the child of parents who were both U.S. citizens
> at the time of his birth. She allows that her decidedly non-mainstream
> interpretation would knock out her two older sons, born when she had only a
> green card, before she became a U.S. citizen."
> http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=birth-of-a-notion
> Insanity knows no bounds with these people.

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