On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
> I might also point out that that particular resolution was introduced
> by Claire McCaskil (a Democrat) and was cosponsored by Hillary Clinton
> and Barack Obama (who were both still competing for the Democratic
> nomination in April 2008).

Could you imagine if they voted against it?

> It wasn't like Democrats in Congress were questioning McCain's
> standing to be President and initiated a partisan attack on him. Quite
> the contrary, they deemed the legal issue to be obscure and totally
> useless and therefore put forth a resolution saying that they all felt
> it was just fine and didn't need any investigation.

There was a lawsuit against McCain. They investigated and decided it
was best to not open that can of worms or it would put them against
the military during wartime.

> So why didn't any Republicans introduce a resolution in Congress
> saying that they all felt Obama was a natural born citizen and that
> the people who questioned otherwise were nuts?

McCain was certified to be president in all 50 states by the GOP.
Obama was only certified in one state.  I think they did add it to a
bill that he was born in Hawaii, but still didn't certify him.

> Why is that, Sam?

We know where McCain was born, he released his birth certificate.
Obama claimed he was born in two different hospitals, hard to take him

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