> Judah wrote:
> I hope the insurance industry is paying you well for your shilling Gruss.

Did you know that the "I" in AIG stood for 'insurance'?  Do you
understand that insurance is a regulated financial product?  Do you
know that a "swap" is a type of unregulated insurance?

Hey, check this out:

"The McCarran-Ferguson Act was passed by Congress in 1945 after the
Supreme Court ruled in United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters
Association that insurance could be regulated by the federal
government via the Commerce Clause (the overturned case stated that
the federal government had this power), or, in other words, that
insurance was interstate commerce."

This means that federal antitrust law applies ONLY when “the business
of insurance” is not regulated by state law.  In other words congress
made health insurance immune from anti-trust.  All it took was money!

It's funny because you complain about lobbyists, yet you favor giving
congress more money than any lobbyist ever could.  You're like
Congress' greatest lobbyist!

It's these people that you trust to run health care?  Congress?  The
people that can't regulate insurance?  The people that overturned the
SCOTUS' rule of insurance oversight? The people that have the
"enviable record" of a $3o+ trillion dollar underwater Medicare

Can you really type that shit without laughing?

So you also envy Skillings record?  Well I suppose Enron's bankruptcy
is small potatoes compared to Medicare ... I see where you're coming
from ...

But you have to admit that it is harder to have a big bankruptcy when
it's not courtesy of the tax payers, right?

Madoff must be your Einstein!

I wish I didn't care cause then I'd go work for Goldman or Congress.

With people like you willing to dump trillions of other people's money
on them I'd make out like ... well like a Congressman I guess.

I hope Congress is paying you well for all shilling you do.

But sadly, I bet you're doing it for fre

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