Yeah - I seem to remember something about them eating rats?  My
parents didn't let me watch it either...

Though V was scary - nothing was scarier to me as a kid than the
"Sleestacks" from the original Land of the Lost series.


On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:23 PM, G Money <> wrote:
> I was only 6 or 7 when the original series came out (wasn't it in 1983 or
> thereabouts?).
> Anyway, I remember being told by my older brothers that I couldn't watch it
> because it would be too scary for naturally, I snuck to a room by
> myself and watched it......and I remember it scaring the living shit out of
> me. Weren't the aliens lizard-like? I seem to have a vision of that in my
> head.
> Anyway, several sleepless nights ensued...and to this day, the memory of "V"
> still holds some chills for me.

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