Funny (in a sad way) that in the same post you claim Chavez is being
vilified, yet you call our former president 'Shrub'.

Also, it was not gas he sold at a discount, it was heating oil.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
> There is an active campaign to vilify Chavez, and it has no basis in reality.
> Chavez called Shrub "the devil", thereby sealing his fate forever as
> an enemy in the eyes of all of Shrub's fan boys. He also dared to sell
> cheap gas when the Bush cartels were pushing prices to 5 dollars a
> gallon.
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Vivec <> wrote:
>> The same US who vilifies the leadership of Venezuela.
>> And this article and response falls right in line with what Chavez has said
>> is the US' true intentions in Colombia.
>> He has stated that the US is attempting to destabilise the region.

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